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What are the delivery charges?

Shipping charges and expected delivery dates are displayed in your shopping bag at the time of your order. This information also appears in your order confirmation email.

We package and ship your order as soon as we get credit card authorization and verification. Based on our location and your shipping address, we determine the most efficient shipping carrier for your order. The carriers that may be used include, the U.S. Postal Service (USPS), United Parcel Service (UPS), FedEx, United Delivery Services (UDS), LaserShip, and OnTrac.

Prices in the chart above reflect shipping for domestic orders only.

What is the estimated delivery time?

If you're shopping for several people at once and want to ship various items to several addresses, you must place a separate order for each address. A single order cannot be shipped to multiple addresses. Applicable shipping fees apply to each order placed.

To do this, use the "Save for Later" feature in your shopping bag.

Can I cancel my order?

Yes, tap on “My Orders” section under the main menu of your App/Website/M-site and then select the item or order you want to cancel.

Are there any hidden costs (sales tax, etc) on items sold by Sellers on Fashion303fashion’s?

There are NO hidden charges when you make a purchase on Fashion303fashion. List prices are final and all-inclusive. The price you see on the product page is exactly what you would pay.

Delivery charges are not hidden charges and are charged (if at all) extra depending on the Seller's shipping policy.

I need to return an item, how do I arrange for a pick-up?

We will try our best to get your products to you within the estimated delivery times. If the package has not reached  you by the expected delivery date, please write to us at  and we will try our best to resolve your issues.

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